Contact Us
TCCOA is a Limited Company registered in England with Company Number: 05103396. Its registered address is 2 Newport Terrace, Millbrook PL10 1BS. Its directors are:
Andy Marshall (Chairman), Brendan Flynn, Paul Somerville, Ben Crane, Lionel Robertson, Tracy Brady, Louise Uncles, Helen Parker and Jacqueline Priest.
The Company Secretary is Mrs Nicky Roberts.
You can write to TCCOA at the following address:
The Secretary, TCCOA Ltd., PO Box 77, Torpoint PL10 1ZW
TCCOA does not have a staffed office, so the quickest way to contact us is by using the form below.
In an emergency, dial 999 to call the emergency services (Fire, Ambulance, Police, Coastguard)
If you are a shareholder and want to be contacted by us when there is something that affects you urgently, e.g. landslips near your chalet, break-ins, water leaks etc., please let us have your email address and/or telephone number. Otherwise you will not receive priority messages which may affect you. We will also try to notify other non-TCCOA chalet owners of emergencies if we have their contact details.
Please use the form below to contact us with your enquiry and we will forward your message to the correct person. Make sure you enter either your email address or telephone number as we cannot respond to any enquiry for which we do not have contact details.