What TCCOA does

TCCOA's responsibilities

TCCOA Ltd. is run on behalf of the shareholders by an elected board of directors who are all unpaid volunteers. Their aim is to maintain the Cliff for the benefit of all, and to preserve the nature of the Cliff as far as possible. This includes commissioning periodic professional reports on cliff stability and carrying out regular safety inspections to ensure there are no unforeseen hazards.

The committee's responsibilities include:

  • Leasing out the Cliff Top Café. This is a major asset which, when well run, provides a service and focus for everyone who lives on the Cliff or comes to it as a visitor. It is very well run indeed by the current lessees, Ben and Louise, whose contribution to us all cannot be overstated.
  • Carrying out quarterly inspections of the Cliff in order to look for potential and actual rockfalls.
  • Ensuring that shareholders and Old Freeholders do not extend the legitimate boundaries of their freeholds by enclosing the common land. According to the rules, all TCCOA shareholders can apply to buy land adjacent to their properties up to a maximum of 25% of the original plot size, subject to independent valuation and with all costs met by the shareholder, and excluding shared pathways or land directly adjacent to Military Road.
  • Protecting the natural state of the Cliff as a semi-wild environment. The main paths are strimmed regularly; chalet owners should let Ben at the Cliff Top Café know if they notice any paths needing attention. Other areas of vegetation should be left undisturbed unless there are safety reasons for cutting back; the committee must approve any additional clearing.
  • Monitoring and maintaining the rubbish and recycling compound. Owners who let their chalets commercially and wish to continue using the compound must buy a permit to offset the cost to TCCOA of using a commercial waste carrier to dispose of waste that cannot legally be included in the household collections. Contact the Secretary for more information. N.B. Bulky items that are too big for a normal refuse collection must be disposed of by chalet owners through Cornwall Council's bulky waste collection or by taking them directly to the nearest official facility.
  • Monitoring and maintaining the water supply for those chalets connected to the TCCOA Ltd. supply.
  • Monitoring and maintaining the private road and track including obtaining agreed contributions from other authorised users and administering temporary track access permits (for which a charge is made and a deposit required - see Private Road and Track page.)
  • Ensuring that adequate signage is in place to alert all users of the Cliff to potential hazards.
  • Maintaining public liability insurance cover.

Everything done by TCCOA Ltd. is funded by the annual charges paid by the shareholders, although other chalet owners and cliff users also benefit. Donations from non-shareholders are therefore very welcome.

If you would like to help the directors, please offer your assistance. If you are interested in becoming a director, you should be willing and able to commit your time, including attending the committee meetings on a regular basis.

For more information, please contact the Secretary via the form on the Contacts page